Situation in Europe November 2023

So basically this “new normal“ lifestyle is at its infancy: for a year or two or smth, you still need to employ people in construction, repair, as cashiers, accountants office buerocrats etc. So in order to do that you still have to kick the can - maintain the “unsustainable“ debt system. But as time goes by, and advanced technologies get implemented materialy in shops without cashiers, where your fingerprints get scanned, maybe a chip is tracked by a camera \ or sophisticated camera 100% recognizes you, so that no one would steal. Then you’d have trucks on autopilot & busses with less trafic on the roads due to railroad traveling. And all of the jobs cut in total would be compensated by a universal basic income, where if you’d want to earn more you’d go and work in jobs still remaining, otherwise you spend time raising children, improving health, hobbies etc. But to reach this, needed infrustructure has to be prepared. Less so in developed north, more so in the 3rd world where basic amenities such as appartments have to be built. So for all that to happen it would either need investement of all the money that has been sucked out from lower classes (btw people being poor will resist much less the changes) and\or it would have to be printed (digitally to avoid misuses by lesser elites). Something like this in my opinion would make sense.
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