1,396 - V. Complex Grade III Keratosis Obturans Removal & The Fight for Public Safety in UK Ear Care

To vote on my poll described in the video, click the following link before selecting ‘Community’ @thewaxwhisperer?feature=shared If you have come across any potentially defamatory comments either in this or earlier videos, I would be most grateful if you could email the details to report@. Please note this is different to the regular mean and rude comments made by a small faction of people who have nothing better to do, but instead where mistruths about myself and practice have been alleged that can be reputation damaging and therefore may require slander/libel action. To purchase Cl-ear Olive Oil Ear Spray please visit: Visit our Clearwax - Ear Wax Removal Specialists YouTube Channel to watch videos taken with the WAXscope®: If you are in the UK and require ear wax removal, please visit to find your nearest specialist.
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