On speaking at the launch, Mr. Krishna Gupta, Chairman, Lloyds Luxuries Ltd. shares,

On speaking at the launch, Mr. Krishna Gupta, Chairman, Lloyds Luxuries Ltd. shares, “It is indeed a progressive sign for our growing industry of luxury grooming market and how personal care and grooming has become an integral part of our modern living. The newest location at Alwarpet in Chennai is a perfect match for the luxe brand, as we can reach out to our patrons in this upmarket area which has become a retail paradise and a haven for HNI & UHNI’s” Mr. Prannay Dokkania, Managing Director & COO, Lloyds Luxuries excitedly shares, “In the last decade, we see a considerable change in male grooming, and men have become more conscious about what they wear and how they look. We are the market leaders in men’s grooming products which are specially chosen to suit Indian men. We plan to reach 50 barbershops in the top 30 cities in India Sub-continent by the end of 2025.“ Ms. Sangeetha Rajesh, Director, Sangeetha Wellness Studio - Franchise Owner, Truefitt & Hill, Alwarpet (Chenn
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