Writer of the world. Varis Yolchuev, Azerbaijan. Встречаем писателя мира Вариса Елчиева. Азербайджан

Varis Yolchuev, Azerbaijan Writer. Co-chairman of the Literary Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Member of the International Writers Guild, Member of the PEN club. Participant of the International Writers’ Congress in New York. Gold Laureate of the 3rd All-Eurasian Literary Festival of LiFFt Festivals (2018) Writer of the Year according to the Union of Writers of Great Britain (APIA) (2018) Laureate of the Adam Mickiewicz Medal established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO and the Festival of Slavic Literature in Warsaw ( 2017). Laureate of the International Moscow Literary Prize ISP (2016). Prize winner of the Kashgari Prize of the Eurasian Writers Union of Turkey. (2012). Laureate of the Government Literary Prize of the Republic of Azerbaijan “Golden Word“ (2011). Author of 14 bestsellers. The books are the most sold in Azerbaijan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. Varis Yolchuev, Azerbaijan Елчиев Варис Муса оглы. Писатель. Сопредседател
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