Poet of the Ismailova, Azerbaijan.Встречаем поэта мира Nargiz Ismailova из Азербайджана

Nargiz Ismailova, Azerbaijan Nargiz Ismailova was born in 1986 in Ordubad. He is a Doctor of Philosophy in Philology. She worked as a correspondent for the Shark Kapysy newspaper. He is currently a columnist for the Edebiyat (Literature) newspaper and the Nukhchykhan Information Agency. He is a member of the editorial board of the Ulduz magazine. The author of 60 scientific, 400 newspaper articles, Nargiz is also a member of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan and the Union of Young Turkic Writers of the World, and is a laureate of the Presidential Prize. For interesting articles and successes in 2017, she was awarded the “Ali-bey Huseynzade“ prize, established by the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan and the newspaper “Literatura“, was elected “Writer of the Year“, “Journalist of the Year“ of the autonomous republic. She is the author of 8 works of art and 6 translations. Among them are the prose “Marilyn inside me“, the novel “The Long-awaited Full Moon&
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