We meet. Poet of the world. Momila Joshi, Nepal. Встречаем поэта мира Momila Josh из Непала.

Momila Joshi, Nepal Momila Joshi (pen name Momila) is one of the finest Nepali poets well known for her literary crafts and recitation skills. Her poems sing songs of life and the power of love. They echo the sense of rejection, despondency, and deep pangs of suffering. She looks for ‘mokshya’ in her own poems. She started writing at the age of nine. She has to her credit five books of poetry and a collection of essays. Her works are translated in various languages including English, Hindi, Bengali, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Russian. She is the recipient of several literary awards including Nepal Academy Award for Poetry 2055 vs, Shatabdee Youth Honor 2000, Gunjan Talent Award 2062 vs, Yuwa Varsha Moti Award 2063 vs, National Talent Award 2068vs, Talent Award UK 2069 vs, Bhupi Memorial Honor 2015, International Literary Pride India 2015, and Celebrating Womanhood Bhagawati Award 2016 among others. Momila Joshi, Nepal известнa своими литературными ремеслами и навыками декламации. Он
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