We meet. Poet of the world. Tony Brewer, USA. Встречаем поэта мира Tony Brewer из США

Tony Brewer, USA He is a poet, live sound effects artist, and event producer from Bloomington, Indiana USA. He is executive director of the Spoken Word Stage at the 4th Street Arts Festival, co-producer of the Writers Guild Spoken Word Series, and president of the National Audio Theatre Festivals. His writing has appeared in numerous online and print journals including Ryder Magazine, Laureate, Seppuku Quarterly, Voices from the Fire, Rye Whiskey Review, Fevers of the Mind, Northwest Indiana Literary Journal, Pulp Poets Press, The Beatnik Cowboy, and Punk Noir Magazine, and he has been nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize. He frequently collaborates with experimental audio collective Urban Deer Recording Cvlt and he has produced and recorded for KKFI, KOPN, and WFHB community radio and WFIU public radio as well as NPR Playhouse and the HEAR Now Audio Fiction & Arts Festival. His books include: The Great American Scapegoat, Little Glove in a Big Hand, Hot Type Cold Read, Homunculus, The History of Proje
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