Apocalypsion Raid [Gremory] First Clear (Impressions in description)

First Impressions: The weakened version of this raid is not terribly hard. The execution is pretty simple mostly about timing shields and conserving CC for the right times, although the gear check is definitely a step further and will be very difficult for beginners. Fortunately, the normal 4 dragons are just more of the same old ones, just a little bit tougher, but mechanics are the same so nobody should miss out on them. Harder versions of the main boss are a lot tougher and will require some serious regearing in the form of crit chance for supports and a lot of tankiness. The execution will demand insane dispel and cleanse play in order to deal with the Frost mechanic from ice dragon and the Storm mechanic from black dragon. Poison and Fire dragons add more damage to the formula and some DoTs, on top of massively increased HP and damage. Unlike what tons of people think, Yanne is not mandatory. She is designed for this content in a similar fashion to how Xerah was designed for Shakmeh on its release. Th
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