Fire vs Warrior (Hansol vs Iconicus) Mage Duels MoP

How to beat Warriors video: This week we fight the highest rated player in all of US. He’s definitely one of the best warriors I’ve dueled in quite a while. I normally don’t lose to warriors in duels, but his offensive play style really kept me on my toes. It gets very hard to react quickly and rotate defensive cooldowns correctly under this much pressure. Nonetheless, this was a very exciting match up for me to face! In the end, the overall ratio of win loss turned out even. Also, feel free to follow my facebook and/or twitter. I always give hints on what class I’m going to be fighting next before I even release the video or tell anyone. So if you want hints and underground updates, follow me there ;) Most of you probably aren’t even reading this since this is low down in the description, lol. So if you’re reading this... you’re a true pyromaniac! xD Facebook: Twitter: https://www.
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