Mahler - 3rd Symphony, 6th mvt (piano solo)

Gustav Mahler - 3rd Symphony, 6th movement (piano solo) with score Langsam. Ruhevoll Arranged and performed by Iain Farrington Published by Aria Editions ​ Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) composed his 3rd Symphony in 1893-6 while he was chief conductor at the Hamburg Stadttheater. It was premiered in Krefeld, Germany in 1902. Mahler gave each movement a programmatic title, although these were only shared with friends: A Summer’s Midday Dream Part One Introduction: Pan awakens. 1. Summer marches in (Bacchic procession) Part Two 2. What the flowers of the meadow tell me 3. What the animals of the forest tell me 4. What man tells me 5. What the angels tell me 6. What love tells me Mahler also described the piece as ’a major work, liberally reflecting the whole world – one is oneself only, as it were, an instrument played by the whole universe... In it Nature
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