Usain Bolt - RUNaway : Teaser

Foreword: A film that will set the exclamation point for Bolt, Mainly because I plan on releasing this after the olympics. Given that Usain Bolt gives another exquisite performance, it will be a film like none - other diving into the realm of Bolt and his speed. The Trailer: Though it may seem a bit abstract, if you focus on what all the commentators are saying, it explains what Usain has done thus far, and what he continues to do and what he will continue to do. In essence, he is running from not only the competition, but from all of the speed barriers and limits that have been set for humans. And just as the BBC commentator mentions, “ And Usain Bolt continues........“ Director’s Note I know its been since September since the last sprinting video but here it is finally. I’ve been busy with other projects , specifically the Kobe Bryant film soon to release hopefully by the end of the month so be on the lookout for that and other Movie Compilations soon to come. It &#
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