why the ceiling gets cracks and the concrete get peeled off from the ceiling -

Cracks! At the sight of a crack in concrete, most of us panic. Is my house falling apart? Does the foundation need replacement? Lots of questions ? ? ? and few answers………. Following information is intended to provide some basic reasons as to why concrete cracks and answer some of the questions. However only a qualified technical engineer or an experienced contractor will be able to correctly analyse the cause and type of crack, and suggest the correct suitable remedy for it. Why Does Concrete Crack? Various forms and sizes of cracks can be seen in concrete structures. It is important to realise that cracks as such are not necessarily defects needing repair. Most cracks occur as a result of shrinkage of concrete. Shrinkage is simply a reduction in the volume of concrete as it hardens. If this reduction in volume were unrestricted, then a crack would not occur. However, in reality, ground friction and a number of things such
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