The Man Who SAVED the Roman Empire - Gallienus The Great and Invincible #35 Roman History
Gallienus ruled an empire that was disintegrating under pressure from foreign invaders. The Senate proclaimed him co-emperor because it saw that no one man could run the vast military operations needed to defend the empire.
Gallienus is a controversial figure, many ancient historians, especially from the senatorial class, talk about his role in bringing Rome to ruin. The reality, however, was very different; modern historians cite him as why the Empire could revive under Aurelian, Probus and Diocletian.
On this channel we focus on Roman History and right now we’re doing a video on every Roman Emperor, if you’re interested in that subscribe or watch the playlist here:
Narration by: James O’Neil
1:20 - First Couple of Years
8:20 - Usurpers and Tragedy
12:37 - Valerians Campaign
14:22 - The Years of Crisis
20:22 - The Gallic Empire
26:05 - Magnus et Invictus
30:11 - The Gothic War
36:46 - The Conspiracy
38:01 - Fin