John Paul Jones - Scream For Help Sountrack - Here I Am

John Paul Jones - Scream For Help Soundtrack - Here I Am... Where it’s all like some Casablanca Movie... Peeping Tom Ease Dropping Spies everywhere... Where Everything is all Black & White and or some Shade of Pastel... Where the only Color is/are the Pigeons taking Flight in the Rain and or Dead Pigeons Falling from the Overcast Dark & Gray Stormy Skies... Along with the Music... Playing to the Tune... The Score to Settle etc... At Times the Strike anywhere Match... Red Green Yellow Blue Flames... Under The Light Of The Full MOON... Where the Bottom Falls Out... Bummer... Where it’s the End Of The World... Wrestling Over A Gun In some Back Alley... Blowing on some Lucky Dice... Rolling Snake Eyes... Riding The Gravy Train... Shootin’ Craps In The End... As there’s a Smoking Gun in someone’s Hand... No Beach To Walk On etc etc
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