1 - Introduction to the Christian Remedy in Law

- All Law comes from God. - God did not reject man, but man rejected being governed by God in favour of rule by man, which God ordains (allows) as a de jure (by right) form of government for a limited period of time. - Man’s secular (worldly, God-less) government was usurped by evil, corrupt men who do not believe in God and these few manipulate man’s world under a system of de facto (unlawful, illegitimate, usurped) bankrupt public governments who are at the mercy of private bankers (false Jews). - To gain jurisdiction over all of the people the de facto governments issue counterfeit BIRTH CERTIFICATES or “Citizenship“ foundation identity documents which they will not authenticate. - Ignorance is no excuse for not following either God’s law or the imaginations of man’s legal world. Because of their own lack of knowledge, or ignorance, most of the people do not know the true law and most of us fell prey to a false offer to allow us to think that we can
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