‘“I’ll blow myself up, if the kafirs come,“ she said. I didn’t show my shock,’ remembers Alina Gudzeeva, talking to a terrorist’

‘“I’ll blow myself up, if the kafirs come,“ she said. I didn’t show my shock,’ remembers Alina Gudzeeva, talking to a terrorist’s wife. These memories are one of the most terrible in her life, as at those times, Alina herself was a militant’s wife. The girl was deceived and had to marry a jihadist. She became his second wife. Many women worldwide have the same story to tell. Terrorists find the girls via the Internet and feed them with promises while concealing their extremist views. The girls fall in love and leave their parents and homelands. The fate of many is unknown. Learn more about terrorist tactics in our documentary ‘Lost Souls’. #humanstories FOLLOW News&Docfilms Channel Источник: RT Documentary
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