SCORCH - Part One

In effort to extinguish a prominent Bloodpact leader, a Kasrkin Kill-Team deploys into the Chaos occupied world of Eclipsium Prime. _ Buy Me a Coffee - Moskoni Discord - Patreon - _ Musical Score and Development: @blackcellaudio SCORCH Soundtrack: Voice Actors: @AVoxintheVoid @ChaoticVoicesofAndreas _ SCORCH is a fan film project, 100% unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop. © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2008-2020. GW, Games Workshop, Citadel, Black Library, Forge World, Warhammer, the Twin-tailed Comet logo, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, Space Marine, 40K, 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Battletome, Stormcast Eternals, White Dwarf, Blood Bowl, Necromunda, Space Hulk, Battlefleet Gothic, Dreadfleet, Mordheim, Inquisitor, Warmaster, Epic, Gorkamorka, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.
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