Super paper boomerang airplane | Cách gấp máy bay boomerang siêu lạ | boomerang plane king

- This is a model aircraft designed by “#JeremyShaferOrigami“ You can explore (Super paper boomerang airplane). Today I will show you how to fold a boomerang, simple, A4 size paper, what kind of boomerang is very difficult to play, please adjust the wings to fly, fly as you like. - I am from Vietnam, I am very passionate about paper airplanes, if the video gives you a bit of fun please tell me where you are from and we will become friends, thank you very much. ♻️ Đăng ký xem video tiếp theo (subscribe channel): #boomerang airplane #maybayboomerang #boomerangplane #boomerangplaneking - Facebook:
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