Making Drawers For Bottles And Cans - Space for 108

I figured the cabinet beside the fridge would be a great place to keep the bottles and cans I use. There is space for a total of 108, 36 in each drawer. Before you start lecturing me on using bottled water, consider that my water supply here (a drilled well) doesn’t provide good quality water. It’s drinkable, but tastes terrible and the filter systems I’ve tried (and spent a lot of money on) don’t improve it. Not that I should have to justify myself to anyone, but being a rude, judgemental hypocrite seems to be all the rage these days. Video on cutting the dividers to exact length: Here are some ways that you can help support the work I do in making these videos: Plans for sale: Patreon: #ibuildit Website: Facebook: Instagram: Google :
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