Pops in Seoul - ToppDogg (TOPDOG) 탑독(TOPDOG)

Hot Clips This song was inspired by the story of Mozart and Antonio Salieri, who felt he was overshadowed by the brilliant composer. It shows that ToppDogg aspires to become great musicians, who are remembered for hundreds of years, just like Mozart. A symphony composed by Mozart is played in the intro, but the song itself has been arranged in trap style. 천재음악가 모차르트와 그에게 열등감을 느꼈던 살리에리의 일생에서 영감을 받아 작업된 곡으로 모차르트처럼 훗날까지 사람들에게 기억되는 인물이 되고자 하는 탑독의 포부가 담긴 곡이다. 도
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