Clary & Jace➰ Dead Weight [Dark/AU-ish]

I got inspiration to continue dark!Clace videos after I got one ready on January. Before that I’ve done earlier 2 dark themed videos about them but in them Jace is the one who have dark side. This and the other one from January are about both of them being on the dark side. I got the idea on last week and it took 5 days to finish this. I kinda have a feeling that in the future there’s more dark!Clace videos coming from me. The idea of this video is AU-ish. Clary & Jace are struggling against their dark side by seeing memories from their past life but the darkness is taking over. My Paris trip supposed to be on the next month already but the convention is postponed to October, so my trip is then. It’s unfortunately but the safety goes first. I got my hotel and flights to Paris moved to October easily and for free. I hope that the Milan con doesn’t get postponed from July. So far it happens on that month and July is closer now for me to meet the Shadowhunters cast again. But for sure, I’ll meet them on Oc
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