“Now people will definitely talk...“
Watch in HD quality (720p or 1080p) and with headphones. It really makes a difference...
Imma write the dedication in German to confuse my non-German viewers 😝 (No one reads video descriptions anyway)
Alles, alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Cyril! Ich hoffe wir können uns bald in Person wiedersehen! Fühl’ dich bis dahin ganz fest gedrückt von mir! Und hoffentlich gefällt dir dieses random Video, das ich für dich gemacht habe :) ❤❤❤
#fanvidfeed #viddingisart #Sherlock #Johnlock #BBCSherlock
Feedback always appreciated! Please don’t dislike the video just because you don’t like the ship and/or the character(s)! Everybody is free to ship whoever they want with whoever they like. I respect you, your ship and your works so I expect the same from you - from a vidder to another.
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2 months ago 00:54:43 1
Палец инженера - Аудиокнига. Сборник “Приключения Шерлока Холмса“