diana and steve | be okay

• Please watch in 1080p! If you have any questions, ask me here: or here: - I know this edit sucks a lot but I really wanted to edit these two, but didn’t have the energy to finish a great edit. To be honest and personal with you, this Christmas has been very difficult for me. I lost my dog a week ago and I still feel absolutely broken. I’ve had her for ten years, and it was a huge shock for me when she died. She was with me 24/7, which makes this loss so much harder. I am still processing it, so editing has been the last thing on my mind. But after watching the new Wonder Woman movie, I knew I had to edit these two. The movie wasn’t as good as the first one for sure, but I still enjoyed it. The writing or the editing was weird compared to the first one, but the message and acting was great. Seeing how broken Diana was made me so sad, but I also felt really connected to her. I think if you’ve lost someone this year and struggling to let go, you’ll know what
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