Super Boy (1933)

Hillman School, Melbourne, Australia. “We are taking you over now to Melbourne, to meet the World’s strongest youngster - only eight years old, but a pocket Hercules!“ C/U of an eight year old boy who says with a strong Australian accent: “I will now give you a demonstration of muscle craft“. An offstage voice says: “Well that isn’t going to be good is it?“ The boy flexes his muscles with a pained look on his face. L/S of muscle boy lying on the ground and lifting weights. A group of schoolboys and teachers stand and watch. One of the boys stands on muscle boy’s stomach as he lifts the weight. The boys chant that they want more weight still on Jack Harris. He lies on the ground and a plank is placed on his knees and upturned hands. A motorcycle is balanced on the plank. Narrator observes that he can “lift anything except the depression“ and calls him a “pocket Hercules“. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITI
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