BEAROBOT maya motion tests

Justa humble kommie bearobot .) - [unity3d motion tests]: - [sketchfab]: Bearobot has next motion cycles(with “root mo“ ): - walk forward [3:34]; - walk backward [3:52]; - run cycle [4:11]; - turn left cycle [4:43]; - turn right cycle [4:58]; - axe attack №1 cycle [5:17]; - axe attack №2 cycle [6:00]; - idle cycle [6:48]; - grenade launcher attack cycle [7:33]; - death cycle N1 [8:18]; - death cycle N2 [8:44]; Meshes summary: - separate cap teeth eyes beard tongue mesh[2048x2048 ao, normal, diffuse, roughness, height maps; 1366 verts, 2442 polys]; - separate body mesh[2048x2048 (and 4096x4096 - normal map only) ao, normal, diffuse, roughness, height and metallic maps; 7526 verts, 7524 polys]; - separate body armor mesh[ao, normal, diffuse, roughness, height, emission and metallic maps; 390 verts, 412 polys]; - separate elbowpads boots mesh[ao, normal, diffuse, roughness, height and metallic maps; 908 vert
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