Vision Pro Teardown: Behind the Complex and Creepy Tech

Welcome to the Vision Pro, Apple’s most complex piece of hardware yet. So complicated that we’ll need more than one video to tackle it. In this video, we’ll walk you through the Vision Pro’s insane disassembly process, but make sure you’re subscribed to our channel as we’re already hard at work on our follow-up video! Get the best toolkit money can buy! The Pro Tech Toolkit! Stay organized no matter what! Get the FixMat! Chapters 00:00 iFixit’s Vision Pro Teardown 00:44 Removing the Vision Pro’s Power Cord, and Battery Specs 01:06 Removing the Vision Pro’s Solo Knit Band 01:12 Removing the Vision Pro’s Light Seal and Popping off the Speaker Stems 01:25 Opening the Vision Pro 01:58 Separating the Outer Display Layers 02:20 How the Lenticular Display Works in the Vision Pro 03:18 Removing the Vision Pro’s Fabric Mesh 03:24 Removing the Vision Pro’s Lenses and Displays 04:06 Removing the Vision Pro’s Outer Display 04:33 Removing the Vision Pro’s Camera Array 04:52 Remving the Vision Pro’s Logic Board 05:08 Removing the Vision Pro’s Fan 05:23 Removing the Vision Pro’s Lens Motor Subscribe to our channel for all our latest teardown and repair videos! Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook:
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