Autogenous | Xenogenous | Anisogamy | Oogamy | Isogamy

Autogenous - arising from within or from a thing itself. Xenogenous - caused by or originating from an external or foreign body. Anisogamy describes a form of sexual reproduction wherein males and females produce sex cells, or gametes, of different sizes. Males produce small gametes called sperm while females produce larger gametes called eggs. Oogamy - sexual reproduction involving a small motile male gamete and a large much less motile female gamete: occurs in all higher animals and some plants. Isogamy is a form of sexual reproduction that involves gametes of the same morphology, found in most unicellular eukaryotes. Because both gametes look alike, they generally cannot be classified as male or female. Questions: The theory that suggests mitochondria and plastids have been generated by phagocytosis is called A) Autogenous B) Xenogenous Unequal gametes are called A) Anisogamy B) Oogamy C) Isogamy #NikolaysGeneticsLessons #biology #Education #sexualReproductionInPlants #plant #reproduction #reproductive #sex #diversityOfPlantSpecies #flowers #petals #sepals #stem #receptacle #maleGamete #stigma #style #ovary #femaleGametes #ovules #pollination #foodSupply #pollenGrain #pollenTube #micropyle #femaleOvule #fertilising #seed #embryoSac #endosperm #fruit #reproductionInPlants #plantReproduction #TypesOfReproductionInPlants #sexualReproduction #asexualReproductionInPlants
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