Gene Flow and Natural selection

Gene flow is the movement of genes into or out of a population. Such movement may be due to migration of individual organisms that reproduce in their new populations, or to the movement of gametes (e.g., as a consequence of pollen transfer among plants). Natural selection is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change. Individuals in a population are naturally variable, meaning that they are all different in some ways. This variation means that some individuals have traits better suited to the environment than others. Problems: Natural selection changes allele frequencies because some ________ survive and reproduce better than others. A) Alleles B) Species C) Loci D) Individuals Which one of the following conditions would allow gene frequencies to change by chance? A) Gene flow B) Natural selection C) Small populations D) Large population #alleleFrequency #populationGenetics #apBiology #Education #science #LifeStudies #HighSchool #DiversityOfLife #Evolution #Genetics #Ecology #crashcourse #crashCourse #MechanismsForEvolution #Genotype #Phenotype #genotypesAndPhenotypes #genotypeVsPhenotype #Alleles #Genes #expression #forHighSchool #biology #traits #allele #heredity #whatIsAnAllele #whatIsAGene #PTC #PTCTaster #Dominant #recessive #trait #cartoon #howTraitsAreInherited #differenceBetweenAlleleAndGene
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