This debug tool was found months ago by Euro Ali in the Test Drive demo of CTR, the earliest publicly playable version. It was erased from all later builds.
Last week, the researchers finally found how it works, and Niko adjusted the code to work in the retail version of the game.
Warning: It does not work when ePSXe or DuckStation are in Interpreter mode, must set CPU to Recompiler mode in the settings.
This tool determines if GTE is wasting time to protect primitives that are out of the player’s view, any outside primitives are not a waste of GPU though, because the GPU won’t render a pixel that isn’t on the screen.
So far the only time off-screen culling was proven to fail is with particle effects. Fire on Tiger Temple and Mystery Caves will still be projected by GTE even when the player can not see them, but aside from that, the game just about flawlessly handles culling.
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