The Evolution of Tammuz/Dumuzid – Son of Ea/Enki

Please watch: “Child of Enlil: Ninazu - The Sumerian “Water Knower““ --~-- The Anunnaki god Ea/Enki here described not as a god, but as a spirit. He who had no form, the entity of many names. The resurrection of Tammuz had once been commemorated as well as his death, and the festivals had been identified, not only with that of the Egyptian Osiris, as at Gebal, but also with Hadad and Rimmon the Thunder gods. In its transplantation to the west, however, the cult of Tammuz–Adonis underwent a change. He was identified with other forms of the solar deity; his festivals were merged into theirs. He ceased to be the Sun-god of spring and became the Sun-god of summer. In the highlands of Syria the summer was not dangerous for it was in Babylonia and not summer, Winter became the enemy who had slain the god. The story of Tammuz was not of Semitic invention. The month of Tammuz was called in the Accadian calendar “the month of the erra
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