INCREDIBLE ART IDEAS We love abstract art as it is the perfect choice to decorate your home especially if you prefer a modern or minimalistic home design. Abstract art is a way to express your feeling without any special skills as you do not need to follow and guidelines. You can choose any color or form as there is no limitations just pure freedom. Moreover, you can use different unexpected tools to express your creativity. One of the easiest and popular kinds of art if fluid art. It takes only a few steps to create a masterpiece. Besides, it’s a really cool way to paint as you even don’t need brushes instead you can use a hairdryer, a mop and a piece of cardboard. So, you don’t need to have special art skills, take a canvas and acrylic paints and start creating a masterpiece. The main idea of fluid art is the process of pouring paints onto a canvas and spreading paint without a brush. The first step is to take a plastic cup and pour layers of different paint colors in it. Place canvas on top of your
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