PSX Longplay [257] Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour
Played by: Mad-Matt
Disney themed karting racer. This is a well produced game for the ole playstation with good sound and visuals and one of the last ps1 game from crystal dynamics. Its another mixed gfx mode game so if you want to aspect correct it, just set the video player to 16:9.
Don’t let the Disney theme fool you, this is as frustrating, if not more so than most other karting games and way too difficult considering the age range the game is aimed at. The opponents can be blatantly unfair even when they are half a lap behind..
00:00:00 - Intro and first run through. In the first round I aim to get first place and get all firework machine parts as well as capture all fairies on every track to beat the game and show the credits. This means avoiding any shortcuts else I will likely miss a fairy. The jungle track is shown twice as a game bug prevented me from collecting all fairies by placing one in an impossible area to reach on the first ru