Remastered version. Old walkthrough:
This version has better visuals, sound, framerate and a viewer friendly logo. Due to game’s engine the graphics glitches are still there. Nothing can be done here.
0:00:00 Intro
0:04:48 Washington DC: Georgia Street
0:25:19 Washington DC: Destroyed Subway
0:31:10 Washington DC: Main Subway Line
0:32:16 Washington DC: Washington Park
0:50:30 Washington DC: Freedom Memorial
0:51:57 New York City: Expo Center Reception
1:07:09 New York City: Expo Center Dinorama
1:12:18 Rozovka, Kazakhstan: Rhoemer’s Base
1:25:02 Rozovka, Kazakhstan: Base Bunker
1:32:45 Rozovka, Kazakhstan: Base Tower
1:36:04 Rozovka, Kazakhstan: Base Escape
1:39:01 Uzhhorod, Ukraine: Rhoemer’s Stronghold
1:56:10 Uzhhorod, Ukraine: Stronghold Lower Level
2:16:42 Uzhhorod, Ukraine: Stronghold Catacombs
2:31:53 Almaty, Kazakhstan: PHARCOM Warehouses
2:43:51 Almaty, Kazakhstan: PHARCOM El
2 months ago 00:26:41 6
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