Queen Opens Parliament Aka State Opening Of Parliament (1958)

Full title reads: “Queen Opens Parliament“. Intertitle reads: “With historical ceremonial, filmed for the first time, Her Majesty inaugurates new session.“ Zoom shot, outwards from centre spire of Houses of Parliament, London. BV Elevated, peers and visitors in House of Lords awaiting arrival of Queen, pan up to throne. CU Coat of arms. GV Crown being brought in escorted by Yeomen of the Guard (Beefeaters). Crown is handed to Lord Great Chamberlain who turns and walks towards camera with crown and places it on table. Yeomen of the Guard turn and stand to attention. SV Lord Great Chamberlain standing looking at crown with Yeomen of the Guard standing to attention, Lord Chamberlain turns and walks away from crown. CU The Crown. SV Sword of State and Cap of Maintenance brought in, Sword of State handed to Viscount Bernard Montgomery and Cap of Maintenance to the Earl of Home (Alec Douglas-Home). CU Earl of Home holding the Cap of Maintenance to the Earl of Home. CU Earl of Home
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