Paulus Hector Mair - #Poleaxe No.1

This is an interpretation of poleaxe play #1 from Paulus Hector Mair’s enormous compendium of martial arts teachings “Opus Amplissimum de Arte Athletica“ (MSS ). ⭣⭣⭣ More information available below ⭣⭣⭣ Training Manual: Source: Dresden I Transcription (1540s) by Pierre-Henry Bas Fencer: Pascal Schubert & Christian Stickel -- A parry against a death strike with the poleaxe Step forward with your right foot towards your opponent and hold your poleaxe over your head with both hands and the point directed at the opponent. If he is standing with his left foot forward and is about to strike you with a death strike [1], then parry his attack to your left. Then you pull back your ase and thrust him in the groin [2]. If your opponent does this on the other hand, you parry with the back end, and step forward with your right foot and strike him in the head with the axe blade [3]. If he parries with the shaft between his hands you turn
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