The Seven Modes of the Neutral Scale [24 TET Microtonal]

This is a video showcasing the modes of a 24-TET scale that is derived from combining the major and minor scales: C D Ed F G Ad Bd C (Note: I am using a lowercase d as a half flat symbol) Each of the modes are named by which modes of the major/minor scale can be combined to result in that scale. And one more thing.. a scales brightness is lowered by 1 for each extra half flat it has relative to its parallel neutral scale. I hope you find this interesting and I plan to make more fun videos like this in the future :) Timestamps: 1. Iolian (Neutral Scale): 0:04 2. Dorlocrian: 0:10 3. Phrygionian: 0:16 4. Lydorian: 0:22 5. Mixophrygian: 0:28 6. Aeolydian: 0:34 7. Mixolocrian: 0:40
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