Jazz Bass Backing Track - Medium Swing 2-5-1 (C)

🎼 TABS, SCALE MAPS LESSONS 👉 Bassless Medium swing jazz play-along for a classic 2-5-1 progression in C Major! More Bass Jam Tracks here: Please SHARE and ENJOY!! Chord progression: II: Dm7 I G7 I Cmaj7 I Cmaj7 :II You will hear extended versions of these chords on the track - as is common in jazz of course :) A great place to start when building walking bass lines is by outlining the arpeggios of each chord in the progression... Cmaj7 arpeggio = c e g b Dmin7 arpeggio = d f a c G7 arpeggio = g b d f In terms of scales, the C major scale basically works throughout. Playing the C major scale will result in C Ionian (Cmaj7 chords), D Dorian (Dm7 chords) and G Mixolydian (G7 chords) - all the same 7 notes... Next up, try out some more advanced colours on the dominant chord (G7/G13) by using the G diminished 1/2-1 tone scale =
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