Little Red Flying-Fox babies in care: these are Muppet, Flotsam, Jetsam (Petal was hiding)

The Little Red babies are growing up, becoming more interactive and are starting to explore more. They go out into the aviary daily to be with the other batties (they mostly sleep), and still come inside during the cold nights. Muppet, Flotsam and Jetsam feature, but Petal was hiding somewhere. Thanks Mandi for the footage. This footage is given in thanks for the continuing donations which help support the fruit costs for her bats, and for the eventual building of the airlock cage (after the harvest and when they get a new welder to fabricate the cage). Tolga Bat Hospital takes donations for Mandi. Mention Megabattie or Meg in the PayPal message box and the money will find its way to Mandi If no message box appears, please email Jenny to tell her that the money is for Mandi. IMPORTANT: If you pay through the PayPal Giving Fund, can you please email Jenny with the amount donated and the name under which you have donated, OR just forward along the
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