Teacher Forces Student to Read Sexually Explicit Monologue

Parents are increasingly being targeted and attacked – even labeled as terrorists – for protecting the rights of their children in school settings, but what is happening to the kids is even worse. A student in a Las Vegas area school district was forced to perform a profanity-laced, sexually explicit, and obscene monologue before the entire class as a graded assignment. School officials then lied to the parents. Finally, the school board banned the student’s mom from even reading to them the words her 15-year-old daughter had been forced to say in front of her class. We’re taking legal action today to fight back. Public schools are entrusted with millions of children across the United States; and we would expect that, at a minimum, they would not sexualize our children in the name of education. Unfortunately, however, Nevada’s Clark County School District (CCSD) violated its duty to our clients, Candra and Terrell Evans, when a teacher required their child to perform a sexually explicit and obsc
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