The Red Army Choir’s concert tour to Cuba, 1961 (documentary)
The documentary report about the concert tour of the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army named after. A.V. Alexandrov in Cuba. The concerts took place in Havana in the Chaplin Theater Hall in October 1961. The concerts were visited by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.
Central studio of documentary films, USSR, Moscow.
Документальный репортаж о гастролях Краснознаменного Ансамбля песни и пляски Советской Армии им. А.В. Александрова на Кубе.
Концерты проходили в Гаване в зале театра Чаплин в октябре 1961 года.
Центральная студия документальных фильмов, СССР, Москва.
Please watch: ““Here’s the Postal Troika Rushing“ - Leonid Kharitonov (1987)“