The Most Epic Inspirational Speech Of All Time

A montage of incredibly inspirational movie speeches, rolled into one moving motivational speech. All film rights belong to their respective owners as per copyright laws; I own the movies, but not the rights. Enjoy! :) Matrix Reloaded, Remember the Titans, Any Given Sunday, Independence Day, Braveheart, Troy, 300, Hoosiers, Lean on Me, Friday Night Lights, We Are Marshall, City Hall, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Network, Miracle, Malcolm X, Rudy, The Replacements, Rocky Balboa, The American President, Scent of a Woman. Al Pacino, Mel Gibson, Denzel Washington, Matthew McConaughey, Morpheus, Keanu Reeves, Brad Pitt, Achilles, Aragorn, Gerard Butler, Leonidas, Gladiator, Maximus, sports, football, basketball, war Special thanks to Pookiemon99
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