Creation of the first Man Adapa or Adam by Enki from a god and clay. Photos of the tech of gods

Adapa or Adam is the first man created by Enki and Ninki, againts Enlil’s will. Anu, the god of gods wanted man created so that the gods don’t have to work any longer. So the Sumerian story goes. Temples were made with advanced technology and they were used for energy or something like that. The first men and women did not have the ability to procreate. Enki made genetic adjustments so that they could multiply and Enlil did not agree. Maybe that’s where the whole Lucifer story comes from with his rebellion. If you like my channel: ▸ Instagram: ▸ Patreon: (currently not posting new content) ▸ PayPal: ▸ Shop: ▸Facebook: ▸Twitter:
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