Cinema 4D - Divider Plugin Letter Animation Tutorial (36 Days of Type)

In this Cinema 4D R20 Tutorial, I’ll show you how to create my letter E animation for this years 36 Days of Type. We’ll be using the fantastic Divider Plugin by Alexsei Karpik along with the volume builder, mesher and a few effectors. I’ll also show you how to apply Octane materials with some colour randomness. I add materials and lighting with Octane render at the end, but everything else can be applied to a standard C4D workflow. This tutorial was inspired by a recent tutorial by CG Shortcuts, which you can check out here: You can download the Divider plugin from Alexei’s behance page here: You can find out more about the work of Dimitris Ladopoulos here: You can find out more about the work of Matt Taylor here: Here’s where I got the Big John font if you’d like to use it in your own work: https://www.d
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