Анатолий Юницкий о достижениях 2022 года Anatoli Unitsky about the results of the year 2022

Video greeting of the general designer of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. and the author of uST technology Anatoly Yunitskiy. On the results of the work achieved in 2022 and the international recognition of UST technology. In 2022, we took part in international exhibitions and conferences. Among them are EXPO 2020 in Dubai, forums in Rwanda, Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, the InnoTrans 2022 exhibition in Berlin, where the unibike was presented by the Dubai Ministry of Roads and Transport (RTA). More than a hundred delegations from dozens of countries visited our uSky Certification and Testing Center in Sharjah. Many visits led to active work on the implementation of targeted projects. Thus, UST Inc. signed an agreement with ITS Indonesia on the use of uST technologies in Indonesia. Active cooperation with El Salvador has begun. Following the results of the international forum in Rwanda and the uST presentation to the Minister of Infrastructure, a contract for a targeted project has been prepared, w
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