Курск в 1970-е годы / Kursk in the 1970s

Курск в 1970-е годы Kursk in the 1970s Music: “Angel“ by Tatiana Burtseva The city of Kursk is an ancient Russian town. According to recent excavations, the Kursk fortress of the principality of Kiev was founded around 982-984, and was located in the area of the Red Square of the present city. Since the end of the 11th century, the fortress of Kursk was one of the most powerful outposts on the border of Kievan Rus. Town status was granted to Kursk in a fire in 1781 devastated Kursk, a new plan for the city was developed in which a market centre would be at the heart of the city . In 1778 both the Sergiev Cathedral Kazan Cathedral Baroque and Trinity Sergius Cathedral were completed. The city opened its first school for the nobility in 1783. A men’s gymnasium was opened in 1808 and a seminary in 1817. A women’s gymnasium was opened in 1870. t the beginning of the 20th century Kursk played a dominant role in the food industry (Kvilitsu AK, one of the
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