doctordonna being chaotic (doctor who: the star beast)
❝Here we are. Having a coffee. What’s gonna go wrong?❞
I can’t believe I’m editing DoctorDonna *with new footage* in 2023. I’ve always wanted to do a Donna humour video, but life always got in the way. I almost finished a 10 year old project but decided to do something a little more “modern“ instead.
This easily could’ve gotten to be about 10 minutes with all the clips I had set aside, but I decided to focus on the special, and only use older clips as tie-ins for references, and then stick to purely DoctorDonna rather than getting into Beep the Meep (as much as I wanted to).
I’ve rewatched Donna yeeting her coffee so many times. It’s just so funny.
Who’s excited for next episode??
Footage is from Doctor Who.
Music is Donna’s Theme & A Noble Girl About Town by Murray Gold.
Colouring is mine.
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. I only own the editing.
#fanvidfeed #doctorwho #dw #doctordonna #humor #funny #donnanoble #catherinetate #davidtennant #dwedit #whoniverse #whoniverseedit
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