The Zircon Missile: A New Weapon in Russia’s Military Arsenal

In recent years, Russia has made significant advances in military technology, including the development of the Zircon missile. The Zircon missile is a hypersonic missile that can travel at speeds of up to Mach 8 (8 times the speed of sound) and has the ability to evade most modern missile defense systems. With its incredible speed and maneuverability, the Zircon missile is being hailed as a new weapon in Russia’s military arsenal. More Videos : ▶️ Next Generation Russian SU-75 Checkmate Fighter Jet ▶️ Sixth Generation Fighter Jet Can Beat F-22 Raptor ▶️ Secreet Feature Sukhoi SU-75 Checkmate ▶️ New Generation Russian Drone ▶️ Russian Tu-160 Bomber ▶️ Russian Tu-95: The World’s Most Feared Strategic Bomber Aircraft
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