Казаки в Австралии. Судьба знамен УКВ.

Книга “Уральские казаки в Квинсленде“ (“Cossacks from Ural Region in Queensland“) вышла в 2011 году в Австралии. ISBN: 978-0-9871637-2-1 Автор книги и фильма Людмила Ларкина. © Author Lioudmila Larkina Brisbane Australia © Дизайнер обложки Анна Соколова. Москва. © Cover Dising by Anna . Copyright © 2011 Lioudmila Larkina. 2011 Brisbane Australia. Number of Pages: 337 Published in 2011 «Australian Lampada» Brisbane, Australia National Library of Australia cataloguing With the blessing of Archpriest Gabriel Makarov, Prior of St. Nicholas Cathedral in Brisbane, Lioudmila Larkina has written a book “Ural Cossacks in Queensland“. The book comprises recollections, which were gathered from interviews with representatives of White Russian migrants in Brisbane, their family archives, as well as some material from Russian and Australian archives and from St. Nicholas Cathedral in Brisbane. The book depicts material on
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