Ashoka - Indian Emperor - Real Faces - Indian History - The Maurya Empire - अशोक भारतीय सम्राट

We see the Real Faces of Chandragupta’s grandson, Ashoka, who was the greatest of the Mauryan emperors (India). Early years of his reign were spent solidifying and extending the empire, from the northern Himalayas 1,500 miles into peninsular India, 1,200 miles across the widest breadth of the subcontinent (probably controlling only the center of the empire). After a violent bloody campaign against Kalinga, a battle that took almost 100,000 lives, a change began to take place. हम चंद्रगुप्त के पोते, अशोक के वास्तविक चेहरे देखते हैं, जो भारत में मौर्य सम्राटों में सबस
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