Sirotek - Сжечь Твой Дом (Burn Your House)

From Sirotek “Память Отца (Memory Of The Father)“ (2012) All sounds, instruments, voices and lyrics by Vitaly Malygin (Sirotek). Philosophical-psychoanalytic noise electronics washing perception and sneaking into the most hidden areas of human being. In the flame of otherworldly sound monuments with complete hypnotism pulsations, melodies, verses, replicas, the listener becomes an invisible participant in the eternal dialogue. The album was recorded using analog sound sources, which were processed in real time. Polyvox, Ritm-2, Korg Monotron, prepared electric guitar, psychedelic feedbacks - the work covers a wide range of sound experiments and techniques of emotional impact, which form into one transgressive “internal film“. Философско-психоаналитическая шумовая электроника, омывающая восприятие и закрадывающаяся в самые потаенные области человеческого бытия. Sirotek представляет оригинальный альбом-шифр, кото
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